CRDM Committee Meeting 

CRDM Committee Meeting Tuesday, June 8, 2010 / 8:00 am – 9:00 am / GSB 183E (EHRM area)
Meeting Notes Attended:
Melissa Rockwell
Spencer Moore
Bob Schneller
Craig Ness
Jim Bradley
Mike Yancey
Sameer Kapileshwari
Jim Norcom
Sue Yerby
Brian Lawrence
Lillian Wanjagi
Malcolm Davis
Not in attendance:
Diane Murphy
Liz Anderson Fletcher
Carlos Villarreal
Laura Dhirani
Dr. T. Randall lee
Rosemary Grimmet
No new introductions were made. New members were unable to attend.
Guidelines handed out for committee to review minimal changes made. Process has been
slightly modified to streamline approvals and reduce the number of reviewers in the process.
Form and updated guidelines are now on the website.
Funding Review and Discussion
Trailer Village
General consensus is that trailers are in poor condition, including utility and code compliance
issues. Brian Lawrence, Senior PM, provided briefing as he had a walkthrough of trailers with
Wilbert Taylor and Jim Lewis two weeks ago. Brian stated the repairs of numerous issues with
trailers would be cost prohibitive. There are also many ADA and TDLR violations. If money is
spent, then it would need to be determined to what standard would repairs be needed. Deck
repairs alone would be in excess of $100K. The Skilled Trades Shop has nailed down the
decking boards, but this repair is only for the short term. Sameer Kapileshwari commented that
trailers are not up to campus standards in regards to electrical/technical areas and life safety.
Craig Ness suggested doing minimal repairs, diminishing occupancy, getting rid of leased trailers
and eventually hauling them to ERP. Melissa Rockwell will be meeting with John Walsh on
06/11/2010 to discuss ongoing maintenance and solutions. She will provide update during next
committee meeting.
SERC (3rd & 5th floors)
Brian Lawrence stated he has received request to change doors to stairway to install ones with
card access. Access needs to be limited to 3rd and 5th floors. Kelly Buehler is the PM assigned to
this project request. Craig Ness stated that he and Liz Anderson Fletcher would fund this project.
Melissa stated that a Project Intake Form would be needed. Brian Lawrence will need to set up
meeting with Craig Ness/Liz Anderson Fletcher to discuss funding.
Classroom Pool Approval/Status
Melissa Rockwell went over classroom projects and gave brief update. Committee approved
funding for shade/electrical repair to Classrooms 201 & 204 Science & Engineering building
(Item #7).
New Requests
None Presented.
Monthly Budget Reports
Sue Yerby gave brief summary of CRDM funds. Over $4.5M in CRDM funds have assigned
YTD. There are approximately $2.2M funds available for CRDM requests for remaining fiscal
year. It is anticipated though, that the CRDM pool will receive an estimated $500K from
generator funding (FY05 project) and $400K reimbursement from Calhoun Lofts project. It was
also noted that a substantial amount will be saved due to the preliminary Central Plant expansion
bids received. An exact figure was not provided. Melissa Rockwell stated that 4-5 large projects
will need to be discussed during next committee meeting for future prioritization, including the
Library and E. Cullen Exterior Issues.
Noresco (Central Plant) Review and TIPS program
Sameer Kapileshwari stated he is working with Noresco for Central Plant expansion review.
Noresco has proposed a no cost review of this project if UH agrees to participate in the TIPS
program (handout provided). Letter of Intent is currently being drafted by legal dept.
FCI Condition Assessment Project
Mike Yancey stated assessment is currently being completed. Have received draft from URS, but
still over budget. He is currently working on minimizing the scope of work.
Design Standards Project
Mike Yancey stated that proposal has been received by Philo Wilke and that bid has come in
under budget. Master spec planning is estimated to be completed by year end/early 2011.
MP2 & MP4 Reports
Lillian Wanjagi gave brief summary of both MP2 and MP4 reports which are submitted to
THECB by October 15th each year. MP2 addresses all deferred maintenance completed within
the last 5 years. MP4 addresses deferred maintenance from previous year. She stated that actual
expenditures will need to be submitted going forward. There were historical concerns with these
reports that will need to be corrected during this year’s reporting process. Prior to submission
the committee will review and approve the report submissions on behalf of the University.
Physical Planning/Capital Planning Implementation Team Document
Further development is currently on hold. This project will resurface after Master Planning Effort
is completed.
NEXT MEETING: Thursday, July 22nd 2:00 PM
Current Action Items: Preliminary Agenda for Next Monthly Meeting 1. Projects for Review
a. E Cullen Lighting
b. Phased Plan for Sidewalk repair – scope and funding request
2. Large Project Studies related to structural and/or façade issues update (by PM)
3. MP2 & MP4 Report Development
4. New requests (please submit to Melissa Rockwell or Sue Yerby a minimum of 7 days prior to the
next meeting.